Author Archives: admin
MySql not updating Privileges
Had problems with this error today and spend ages trying to find the answer. I then realized that the upgrade to MySQL recently (I think 5.1) had probably been the cause. Updating through WHM and Cpanel just sometimes is not … Continue reading
Regex, Find Replace
Working on a list of data that was 5,000 lines long I discovered that I needed to reorganize the way the list was formatted. Doing this manually would have taken a long time, but luckily the editor I use for … Continue reading
Xdebug for PHP
Have been playing around with xDebug for php to help me do some debugging on the site. Still havent found out how to use it proerly, but have started with this command as an example xdebug_print_function_stack ();
MySQL from apache command line
Was working on some large tables, over 50mb each, that needed importing to mysql and found the best way to do this was from the command line cd /home/{web directory}/tmp where I had saved the .sql file to for importing … Continue reading
Have been adding a few items to the cron table recently. Have found this useful to remember to access cron crontab -e
I have suExec installed on the apache server to help with permissions and groups. This has been helpful with many installation, but caused me some problems with a recent cgi program. To find the source of the problem, I had … Continue reading
Apache Error Log
I was checking out the error log for my apache server recently to try and understand what errors might be coming from web pages that I had not noticed. The error logs were at: /usr/local/apache/logs I was specifically interested in … Continue reading
Checking Apache redirect log files
Looks like these files are not made standard and have to be requested first Because I am using a SuExec setup I need to add the following to the httpd.conf set of include file rather than direct to the htaccess … Continue reading
Bugzilla Install
Bugzilla is a downloadable software unit that lets you track bugs on projects you are working on through the use of a web based platform. I downloaded the latest version of bugzilla and installed it to my Apache server at … Continue reading
Installing Symfony
I have been working with PHP for about a year, prior to that using the .NET platform. I liked the flexibility of the PHP language and its closeness to working with the structures of the web, but also missed some … Continue reading