keep forgetting i need this command when I first setup firebase3 on a new ionic2 site install
npm install firebase --save
typings install --save firebase
keep forgetting i need this command when I first setup firebase3 on a new ionic2 site install
npm install firebase --save
typings install --save firebase
if the port gets blocked use the following:
netstat -o -n -a | findstr 8100
and then
taskkill /F /PID ______ (the PID on the right of the list)
node.js for building js scripts on .net
for example
node r.js -o build_scripts.js
bower-check-updates – is a fork of npm-check-updates, so it’s all the same but updates bower.json, instead of package.json
npm install -g bower-check-updates
bower-check-updates -u
npm install
This will install bower-check-updates globally, so you can launch it from anywhere.
** also you can use the shorthand bcu instead of bower-check-updates
RegEx never seems to be easy when I am trying to set up a find or a replace, but then when it works it just works.
Well this query half-worked at least
I wanted to replace
the square brackets here
with round ones
I used this as the find
and this as the replace
Generally it provided this result
but occasionally it went to the farthest ] it could find on the line and messed things up a bit.
I cant remember the character to use in the search to tell it stop after the first ] found
Also, along the way I found this helpful site for testing
Had problems getting the user permissions to populate when I restored the db on a new server
Had to run this script to get each one to work
And a very useful link on opening the right ports
Dont forget also UDP on 1434 and the profile needs to be one or all of Domain/Private/Public. I found it would only work if I had public set which leads me to believe I have a network problem to fix. I set the IP address scope very tight to avoid any problems.
UPDATE – I found that the public ip addresses being open was not a good idea at all and I should have been using private ones. This will limit the risk of outsiders using the open ports, reduce the latency and also reduce the billed bandwidth. It is still worth locking down the range of private ips that can access those ports
Took me a while to finally get it working but I imported my SSL certificate from linux across to Windows Server 2012.
Had to create pfx file so that IIS would import the SSL certificate rather than having to request a new one again.
Finally found the answer here on how to do the creation of the pfx so i could import it easily
If you are trying to give access to web users for write permissions on upload or cache folders on a PHP project hosted with Windows IIS, then you better add the IUSR account to have permissions. .NET seems to operate on the IIS_IUSRS account, but PHP is still stuck with the basic IUSR one